Parc de Salut MAR 2012 - page 68

of showing that responsible governance with full
autonomy of management provides better health
care and economic results and achieves higher
levels of motivation and productivity in a better
organization climate than the rigidity of traditional
management structures in public administrations.
Develop and implement objective-based
management as a tool to facilitate management
and adhesion to the organization.
Sustainability of the institution.
Sustainability is not a mere principle of adaptation
that allows us to continue our activity and keep jobs
in the institution. We know that without economic
sustainability, the future is uncertain, but as an
organization with high added value for society,
we also know that there is a return that cannot
be quantified merely in the balance sheet. For this
reason, our human, professional and intellectual
capital must be projected into the future without
forgetting efficient day-to-day management that
takes scrupulous care with the resources we use and
provides the professionals with the information and
tools they need to share responsibility for the results
of today and the projects of tomorrow.
Collecting payment from the insurers for
health care services to tourists
The need to be more rigorous with our resources
and to improve efficiency in the process of collecting
payment for services provided to non-Spanish
tourists has led us to manage these cases with an
expert company that has professional translators,
administrative staff and specialists in providing care
for foreign patients.
Open to new funding channels
We incorporate new funding channels with boosting
of private activity, such as implementation of a
Traveller’s Care Service with a range of services not
included in the catalog of public services. However,
implementing the MAR SERVEIS CLÍNICS project
means that running concurrently with a portfolio
of public services requires development of a code of
good practices.
Balanced budget
A balanced budget is essential for ensuring the
sustainability of the organization. Thanks to the joint
effort of everyone, we have been able to ensure the
future economic viability of PSMAR.
Information for better clinical
Thanks to the development of the management
tools, the professionals know the cost of their
clinical decisions (analyses, complementary tests,
drug prescription, etc.). This clinical management
tool has meant that, since the start of the crisis,
we have carried out the same level of patient care
activity with savings of 8.6% in analytical tests,
26.3% in radiologic tests, and 2.3% in pharmacy.
During this financial year, savings have also been
made in direct consumption by patients in the
hospitalization units, where there has been a
reduction of almost 8%.
The cleaning and catering contracts have been
renegotiated and improved. (Image page 13)
“We were able to close 2012 in
financial equilibrium and meet all the
commitments of the institution. And,
as we know, the commitments of our
organization are not just economic. They
basically involve patient care, teaching
and research. Without strong economic
pillars, it is not possible to build anything
solid, but without scientific ambition
and the ability to provide care to the
community, the organization would simply
not have any meaning. And this year,
with all the difficulties, we have given
our work plenty of meaning.”
Olga Pané
Manager of PSMAR
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