Parc de Salut MAR 2012 - page 66

More Challenges,
More Commitments
At a time when, in many aspects, it seems that
the focus of attention of our health care system is
exclusively on economic matters (and, let’s be clear,
the cutbacks), it is important to highlight the nature
of our health care centers as generators of wealth
and wellbeing. Many studies have shown that health
care divestment is leading to extra costs due to the
detrimental effects on the health of the population
and because, as one of the most dynamic sectors of
our economy, instead of helping with the recovery,
divestment has contributed to slowing growth. In
the debate in this area, patient-care organizations
must contribute a dual vision that politics sometimes
ignores. We are protagonists and our role is not
only to carry out the instructions that we receive in
the form of tough legislation; we must take part in
the debate and contribute to it with our proposals,
not just our complaints. We are also the ones who
are on the frontline with the citizens and who
witness every day how their health improves and
how it deteriorates as a result of our activity or our
inactivity. We also have knowledge in this area and
we must have a voice.
Having said that, and all this forms part of the
program, which, I repeat, we must not renounce
as an intelligent organization, we must recognize
the daily effort made by the professionals, which
is reflected in the maintenance of activity in the
search for solutions for a more efficient clinical
management, in adapting to the cutbacks that have
been required of us and in the quest for excellence
and quality, which are the only guarantees of future
success. We on the board of governors insist on
the principles of management autonomy, shared
responsibility and transparency, which we want for
Parc de Salut MAR (MAR Health Park) (PSMAR) with
respect to the health care authorities - principles
that are also valid in relation to the organization and
the professionals who work in it, as has been clearly
demonstrated when negotiating the new collective
agreement and in the development of the code of
ethics and code of good professional practices. In this
2012 annual report of PSMAR, besides a summary
of the activity in data and actions, you will find the
goals that we set ourselves and which will be the
yardstick used a year from now to determine whether
we have kept our word.
The situation of uncertainty and cutbacks simply
means more challenges for our health care
professionals and administrators. And faced with
this, our attitude is neither an automated and
therefore passive response nor a strident posture,
but a posture that comes from reflection, knowledge
and responsibility. Our response is to take on our
commitments with health science and with society.
Josep M. Via
Chairman of the Board of Governors
At Parc de Salut MAR (PSMAR), we are undergoing
an institutional change that aims to recover
the commitment of the organization and of the
professionals to a model that must be efficient in
order to ensure sustainability. The sustainability of
our institution and the sustainability of the public
English version
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